Christmas Holidays havent really brought me rest. I actually haven't stop. Been working on this script thing the entire break, but I guess it's paid off because I'm about halfway through it. I still have a bunch of actors lined up to audition, so that's good news.
Oh, and about the crippled thing, I somehow hurt myself, and to be honest I think it has something to do with my new car. I'm driving a stick shift and I think I twisted the wrong way...or it's the seat or something. Anyway, whatever it is, it hurts and I'm walking like the Hunchback of NotreDame because of it. I have a huge knot in my lower back on the right hand side, and when it swells it pinches a nerve and sends shooting pain down my leg. Fun times.
Moving on with the Photography thing now. Going to be working with Kisha soon, helping her get a few headshots done for her portfolio, and then I have a couple other randoms set up, which will be nice.
OH and I'm doing my first wedding in August. That should be fun, I look forward to it.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Except, I may as well post a few of the Sunhawk photos.
Ciao for now darlings.