So it's a whole new world now. Graduated and all. And of course, being me, I'm saving to go to school again. But that's a long ways away.
I realize been avoiding my blog because I promised I would post about my Mexico trip, but I've been dreading it because there is just SO MUCH to tell. And I don't have the energy for it. I know that sounds lame, but I got into blogging when I discovered I was much more comfortable with the keeping it short style. One or two pictures, a few witty words, boom boom, done. That's my thing. I know I made a few exceptions for the olympics, but thats they way it needs to stay. Exceptions. Because otherwise, blogging will become like a duty to me, and so I will never do it. Hence my long departure.
I do have two weddings coming up, so you will see photography from those soon enough. I also have a few photos I can show you to catch you up from previous shoots I've had. And I think I will be posting mexico photos periodically. Or maybe I'll be inspired and blog all about it one day. We'll see.
And from even further back....
But I've actually been good and I added two pages to my website! Yay me. I hadn't touched that thing since I got back from the Olympics. It's got a long way to go still, especially considering how much more photography I want to add to it, and the fact that I chose the hardest and slowest way possible to do it. Oh well. One day I will learn flash. But not today.
Check it out. It's pretty sweet.
Oh, and one more thing.
I just came back from the movie Eclipse, the third of the twilight movies, and I have to say: ITS ABOUT FREAKING TIME. it was actually good. Robert Pattison learned to act and Kristen Stewart grew a ball. Not two, she was still wimpy and annoying, but much much better. And hats off to the director, it was really well done - despite the love story that makes you want to gag. And I felt genuinely bad for Jacob. So there you go. And also, Jane is dope:
OH OH I lied. One more thing.
In risk of sounding like a total freak (which I am so deal with it): Oh.Em.Gee.
And yes I'm aware this turned out really long.
Okay. Ciao Bellas.