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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taylor Bellyacher

Bahahaha this person's my hero. I may just write her a song about the teardrops or mirth on my guitar.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Holy Crap. Wow.

Possibly the most amazing piece of work I've ever seen.


The Talented Artist Here: Eolo Perfido on DeviantArt 
and Here:

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Glee apparently spent their whole wardrobe budget on Kurt's outfits.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Paparazzi New Year's Eve

A collection of New Year's Photos.... This was way too much fun :) And I'm pretty pleased with the results.

You're a Firework

The Dressing Room
Aleevna Trailer  
Gouda Gabor
Iona Whipp
The Dancefloor
 The Bar
And Me! :)

Well thats enough for now I guess, there's a whole slew on FB if you havent already seen the rest.

I'd like to do another shoot soon, trying to pin someone down to be my victim :)

Hopefully I get another couple paid gigs soon as well - I have a few on the wire, but we'll see if they pan out!

Ciao for now!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Amazing Sheldon Cooper

"Ahh, yes. In the world of emoticons I was colon capital D."


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Pain that is the Client/Artist Relationship

(Click to make large)

5 minutes well wasted. I love Illustrator venting. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Business Cards

A sample of some test business cards I've been working on...

Ciao xx


....ITS MY BIRTHDAY SOON!!!!!!!!!! =D)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Mystery that is the Fugly Pug


Best. Ever.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

DJ Earworm

Holy crap this guy is fukin awesome.

Check out his blog for more awesomeness....!!

Friday, January 7, 2011


Twilight Eclipse Parody.

Of all the parody's I've seen, this one takes the cake.

You Irritate Me.

Is there an earthquake? No?

Well then, I guess there's no reason to be STANDING IN A DOORWAY.

Move foo.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Youth and Love

A photo that made me smile from the inside out when I saw it, by my talented friend Edward Lai. I just had to share it :)

Ciao until next time Bellas!

<3 Meena

I almost cried.

This....this is absolutely incredible. His voice has this indescribable weeping quality to it. I can't believe how amazing he is. And he's ELEVEN.

Obviously he got a record deal. This is even better.

Like. Seriously. And they are calling him the next Justin Beiber. like WTF. This kid actually has MAJOR TALENT. and Justin Beiber SUCKS ASS. BAH. He better get WAY more famous than stupid JBPUKEFACE.

**EDIT: I actually have to disagree with myself here. I watched this again later and realised I liked it WAY less. His voice live is wayyyy better....gritty and soulful with this amazing sound quality that just makes me want to stop everything I'm doing to listen. But in the song from the recording's kind of...well, boring. I mean he's obviously still good, but it's just not as exciting. Sounds more like everyone else. I'm disapointed. Hope he come out with more songs soon that sound more like what he sounds like live. SO, I found the live version on Ellen....ahhh, there we go, much better.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Eve: Captured.

Best New Year's Eve photo EVER. If I do say so myself.

Can't WAIT to post the rest. There are a million good ones. I don't see myself leaving the computer in a long time...

Cheers xx

(PS. click to view it large. It's better :))

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Paparazzi Fetish Show

When they told me I'd be photographing a Fashion Show, I had no idea there would be so little clothing involved...

introducing the creative styles of...