Okay, so here goes. My first blog. Well, maybe not my first, since I was once an avid LJ user, during those days long before Facebook "pwnd" Live Journal. I remember very distinctly the day my friend posted the picture of Justin Timberlake's Futuresex/Lovesounds album and said that this is what facebook was doing to livejournal. He was right.

So, anyway, Blogger it is. I feel like after every speaker that we've had come into our classes who said that having presence on the web is now one of the most important factors of networking into the media industry, I can't very well ignore it any longer.
I don't know how easily I'll be able to keep up with it, but I'll give it my best go.
Awesomesauce! I'm glad you got a blog :) I look forward to your posts, lady!
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