To My Lovely Anonymous Commenter:
Ah, yes, jealousy -- I prefer the term envy, and I envy many things. I envy those who travel around the world, those who win the lottery, those who can draw or paint beautiful images (my artistic qualities apparently entirely sidestepped the sketching thing - I suck at it.)
I also admire those who excel, those who publish novels, those who accomplish their dreams--and I push on knowing that my future holds promises such as these.
Alas, we are all human, so jealousy is something perhaps we all suffer from, from time to time. However, I do not find myself jealous of the drunkards puking around the back. I do not find myself jealous of the lack of self-worth.
You see, I very comfortably have found a security in myself and what I believe in, and I know for a fact that if I ever become like one of those blithering idiots that I'm so kindly graced with the sight of every night out on the town, I reserve every right to shoot myself. Because at that point, there will be no point in living because I will have lost all self respect, all decency.
You may view me as someone who has their head shoved rightly up their ass--and that's fine with me. Because I embrace my confidence and my pride, and I don't need to shed my clothes and my dignity to feel good about myself.
If you worry for the girl I spoke of, worry not. My Ode was addressed to not one person, but to approximately 75% of the trash I was exposed to on said evening. The reference to my shot of her flabby ass, was really just a vessel.
However, in an effort to avoid kicking those who are down, I removed the post. Clearly we are not all of the kind who can take criticism. An yet, my suggestion to those who do not wish to be labeled or judged--don't dress like a prostitute.
5 years ago
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