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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The First Wedding and Lifetouch

Rather self explanatory really... to be honest, weddings so far, have been a pain in my ass. I'm sure the more I do, the better I'll get, etc etc. But my God it's a lot of work, and sometimes people can be really unappreciative.

But on the bright side, this was only my first wedding, and I have a lot of improving to do, but I feel as though I have learned so much already. There is a lot to learn, and I think the second wedding that I shot on the 14th, had a considerable amount of improvements already.

Here are some of my favorites from the wedding on the 8th:

Sorry, these are a little small, and blogger is compressing them pretty poorly, so sorry about that. but oh well, what can you do. Stupid narrow blog format. haha. SO click on them to view them larger if you want, they are easier to see.
Well that's about enough of that. Obviously that doesn't cover all the photo situations of the wedding, but I just wanted to post some of my favs.

ALSO, I've started my new job as a Lifetouch Photographer, for school portraits. I was going to tell you all about it tonight, but it's been a long post, so I'll tell you more about it later. I start my 3rd day tomorrow morning, (I have to be up at 5:30...blarg). But I'm excited and I pretty much love getting paid to hang out with cool people, setting up studios with my own music playing, and taking pictures. Radness. It's just training right now, so there will be a lot more driving later on (which I get paid in full for which is awesome) as well as hair pulling stress when I actually have to photograph 500 kids a day, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Peace, Love and Photobugs,



Iradonian said...

Hey Maelina!
Nice photographs, really. There is some original stuff in there, like it.
I have to agree that weddings are a lot of work and sometimes a pain in the ass, I'm editing one right now of one of my collegues...

Keep up the good work! Always nice when people get to do what they really love.


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