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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This is Why I Love(d) My Job

This is why I love(d) my job...

Let me explain...

I started a new job in September with Lifetouch Photography, a company that does school portraits, as well as some studio stuff as well. But my job was doing school portraits. A LOT of early mornings, getting up at 4:30 or 5 to drive out to Duncan or Lake Cowichan or even Youbou. This may or may not come as a surprise to you, but it's possibly the most fun I've ever had at a job, (Okay, except for the Olympics, because not much can beat that haha). And since it's working with a photography company, and thousands of kids, I can't use any of the photos in my portfolio or anything, so I don't have much to show you. I can, however, get away with keeping this photo as my own personal memorabilia of my time with Lifetouch, since technically this student is relatively unidentifiable. (By the way, that board he's holding is our start/room board. I have to take a shot of it every 60 shots or so, and sometimes I like to get the kids to hold it for me.)

So, as much fun as I'm having, it's unfortunately a seasonal job, so in the next couple weeks, it'll goodbye Lifetouch. I'm already on the hunt for a new job, so hopefully I won't land myself in the poor house AGAIN this year.

Caio for now mi caros!


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