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Monday, January 4, 2010

Crippled and Working Hard

Christmas Holidays havent really brought me rest. I actually haven't stop. Been working on this script thing the entire break, but I guess it's paid off because I'm about halfway through it. I still have a bunch of actors lined up to audition, so that's good news.

Oh, and about the crippled thing, I somehow hurt myself, and to be honest I think it has something to do with my new car. I'm driving a stick shift and I think I twisted the wrong way...or it's the seat or something. Anyway, whatever it is, it hurts and I'm walking like the Hunchback of NotreDame because of it. I have a huge knot in my lower back on the right hand side, and when it swells it pinches a nerve and sends shooting pain down my leg. Fun times.

Moving on with the Photography thing now. Going to be working with Kisha soon, helping her get a few headshots done for her portfolio, and then I have a couple other randoms set up, which will be nice.

OH and I'm doing my first wedding in August. That should be fun, I look forward to it.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Except, I may as well post a few of the Sunhawk photos.

Ciao for now darlings.


Troy Holm said...

i'm interested in your blog, but i'm trying to understand more.

so, are you in a band? and you are a photographer, correct? and what's the script about? not so much what it's about (although i'm curious anyways), but is that something you're working on for a movie or show? and where would you go to pitch that? i just assume it's not that easy.

anyway, i'm at: . and i'd like to talk more in the future. especially about the script thing. i've always wanted to write a script or be a writer for a show, and i don't know where to begin.

Maelina de Grasse said...

Hi there Troy,

Thanks for reading my blog! No, I'm not in a band, but I am a photographer. And the script I am working on is a project for college. I have decided to do a pilot for a sitcom for my video self directed, and so I have been casting and writing a script. I'm not writing for anything that will go on tv or anything professional or anything, although, it would be great to do that someday. In this case, I chose to take the opportunity because through the school I have access to equipment that I won't when I graduate, so I may as well try my best to do things extravagant while I can.

I'm incredibly pressed for time, so life in the next few months is going to be difficult. But I'll make it through.

Kina said...

Yoga fixes everything! Try some lower back stretches.. it might fix your crippledness!

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